Animal Kingdom

A lot of what I do at lunchtime, since I can’t work on actual crafts, is looking up obnoxiously cute animals since that always put me in a bright mood, even though I may be making yelping sounds. That’s only because I hurt knowing I don’t have more cute adorable things other than a bitchy but awesomely fabulous hen and her amorous, half her size, goofy boyfriend.

I came across this bulldog puppy girl stuck in the crevasse of a couch. This makes me miss my little niece Libby so much. Ahhhhh I can’t stand the rolly-poliness of english bull dogs, I just want to rub their bellies silly. Click on the image for link to youtube, until I figure out how to embed videos on the blog.

Just the other day, I went to Whole Foods again. I never go there for their overpriced food but I’ve been waiting patiently over the winter for ostrich laying season. A Waiting for Godot moment, still no giant eggs greeting me at the organic egg section. I really want an ostrich egg since a “touched “ lady told me that ostriches are my totem animal, how kick ass would it be to make my banties take Easter pictures next to these dinosaur eggs, and of course, it’ll be a sweet sweet office decoration. Leroy mentioned I should just find an ostrich farm around and order directly but I can’t seem to find any local farmers who have them. I vaguely remember screaming with excitement when I was driving by a small ostrich farm on the way to paintball in Leesburg but I guess these folks aren’t online. Sigh.

I guess I will dwell on another animal during the mean time. I believe if we can have multiple totem animals, my other animal is definitely the wombat. These gentle creatures are short and plump. Their only defense mechanism, their giant giant ass, used to thwomp (yeah I just made that up that action sound) any intruders from the tunnels these wombats dig.

Enjoy the baby wombat born 3.5.09. It’s a good thing I don’t live in Australia. I would have had so many more animals “yeah mom, it followed me home.”

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